Pineau what? 
It’s an apéro. Pure. 
But you can mix it!

Pineau des Charentes, a traditional apéritif from the Cognac region, had long been a favorite in Flanders. However, in recent years, it became more popular with an older audience. The goal of this campaign was to reposition Pineau des Charentes on the Flemish market and appeal to a younger demographic. Through a fresh campaign strategy, the brand aimed to reconnect with the region and highlight Pineau’s exclusive taste and diversity.

The campaign highlighted Pineau des Charentes as the perfect companion to add to your summer cocktails. The tagline "It’s an apero. Pure. But you can mix it!" encapsulated this idea, promoting Pineau as a drink that can both be drunk pure, and as an addition to a summer cocktail. The campaign launched across Flanders (and Brussels), using social media strategies and B2B communication to reach both consumers and trade partners.

2M social impressions
80K influencer reach
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Can we buy you a drink?